Pharmaceutical Waste

Contact Us for Pricing on Your Pharmaceutical Waste

Medical Waste Management Florida

Pharmaceutical Waste

SaniTrax offers turn-key solutions that simply assure the proper classification and disposal of pharmaceutical wastes.

Hospitals and clinics generate a substantial amount of pharmaceutical waste that requires proper disposal. Typically, this waste is comprised of drugs that have been partially dispensed, but not completely used. Our Pharmaceutical Waste Compliance Program is a hospital-wide program that will minimize environmental impact and regulatory exposure from improper identification, segregation, collection, and disposal of pharmaceutical waste.

Because each facility is unique in this layout and mission, we take a strategic and customized approach when developing and implementing a pharmaceutical waste program. Our program includes a waste characterization of your entire pharmaceutical formulary, a system for labeling, training programs for the staff, set up of accumulation areas as well as on-going consultation services.

We offer a comprehensive, turn-key service and provide the best possible management of your pharmaceutical waste no matter the size of your facility!

Controlled Substances

The DEA classifies certain pharmaceuticals as controlled substances. These items should be managed carefully and disposed of ensuring they will not impact the environment or be recovered from the waste disposal. SaniTrax offers multiple solutions for managing this highly regulated waste stream. We offer products that ensure the designated waste can not be retrieved nor recovered from the container solutions provided. Contact us today to discuss our options for your facility!

Medical Waste Disposal Miami
Medical Waste Management Miami

Mailback Program

This service is for Very Small Quantity Generators of hazardous pharmaceutical wastes. We offer 2.5 & 5 gallon containers for our customers in states that have adopted the EPA Subpart P. The containers are specifically designed for the safe and assured disposal of pharmaceutical waste, while ensuring the waste is destroyed via incineration. This offers a simple solution to a complicated waste stream for most generators. The SaniTrax team makes it easy to dispose of your hazardous compatible pharmaceutical waste. This system offers a comprehensive solution for small generators of hazardous pharmaceutical waste and provides regulatory relief!

Contact Us for Pricing on Your Pharmaceutical Waste

Step 1: Formulary Review

Our Rx program begins with working closely with the pharmacy. We will take your latest formulary in excel format and characterize each medication in terms of how it should be disposed. The purpose of the characterization is to ensure the proper disposal method to comply with both EPA and DOT regulations. This is a very important step in identifying not only what waste streams are hazardous, but also those that are incompatible and those that are controlled substances. We have the team to help our customers get a complete view of their pharmaceutical waste and develop a plan to properly characterize the various wastes.

Step 2: Facility Review

Once the formulary characterization is complete, we review the characterization with the facility to determine which waste pharmaceuticals are considered non-hazardous and which are compatible hazardous waste. We then tour the facility to determine the points of generation within the facility to determine containers and placement to ensure the staff have adequate and properly placed containers.

Medical Waste Disposal Orlando

Step 3: Containers

We have a variety of containers for RCRA hazardous & non-hazardous pharmaceutical waste and controlled substances. We have both disposable and reusable containers. We provide simple, cost effective, and compliant solutions for our customers. We determine the containers based on the characterization of the formulary and the waste generation in the facility. We make it easy to have a cost effective compliant program that is simple for the staff within the facility.

Very Small Quantity Generators (Pharmaceutical Waste)

For smaller waste generators, we offer a fully-compliant mail-back program for all pharmaceutical waste streams. This provides a simple solution for Very Small Quantity Generators and regulatory relief. This is a great option for Florida generators since it meets the EPA Sub Part P requirements. Contact us to day to see how we can provide you with a compliant, simple and very cost effective solution for your facility!

Ready to learn more? Contact us today for a free quote!