Compliance Package

Access thru an online portal to a variety of waste audits, training, online manifests, and more!

SaniTrax has all the compliance management solutions you'll ever need.  Though our exclusive online portal our customers gain access to management tools that assist in self audits, staff training aids, online training, compliance posters and more

sharps waste

Waste Audits

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Online Portal Access

Waste Audits

Our compliance package offers 70+ waste audits for your practice available at your disposal.


SaniTrax provides its customers with a wide variety of training options all available in the compliance package.

Online Manifest

Our compliance package gives our customers access to online manifest at the customers figure tips. Our driver will pickup your waste and the online manifest is sent directly to you in seconds.


Online Portal Access

Our online portal gives our customers access to all  online manifests, training and employee records, pickup schedules,  waste audits and more

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Ready to learn more? Contact us today for a free quote!