Best Practices for Safe Pharmaceutical Waste Management in Florida Healthcare Facilities
In order to best protect both human health and the environment, it’s important for healthcare workers in Florida to understand the best practices for safe pharmaceutical waste management. Pharmaceutical waste can include expired, unused, contaminated, or otherwise unwanted medications and related material. Proper disposal and regulatory compliance are vital for healthcare workers in Florida. Improper…
Read MoreWhat Goes in a Sharps Container?
If you work in a healthcare setting, you already know how important it is to dispose of used sharps properly and to understand what goes in a sharps container. Millions of sharps are used daily in hospitals, clinics, and other medical settings all over the country, but when disposed of improperly, sharps can pose…
Read MoreCompliance, Education, Training and Preparation, eliminating unnecessary risk and exposure!
Are you compliant with Chapter 64E-16 requirements of the Florida Administrative Code? Are you prepared for your Department of Health Inspections as a Biomedical Waste Generator? SaniTrax is here to educate, protect and ensure compliance for our clients. We help you to ensure that your staff understands not only the risks associated with handling, packaging…
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